Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is the best policy

The popular English proverb “Honesty is the best policy” means under any circumstances, one should try to be honest. Being dishonest, telling lies is very easy. To be honest and truthful, it takes courage and character. It is easy to earn quick money by dishonest means. The unethical ways are alluring, by using unethical practices one can achieve success easily and quickly. But one should understand that these quick money and quick success are like quicksand, they can take back everything as quickly. On the other hand, an honest person may face difficulties in day to day life, but at the end of the day he sleeps peacefully. He has nothing to worry about and nothing to hide from anyone. He doesn’t have to cook up stories to cover up misdeeds. Ethical and honest ways may seem long and tough paths to follow, but in the long run these are the ways that sustain. An honest person never gets distracted even in the most provoking situations. Good policies are those which sustain the passage of time. Honesty is the best policy because it lasts forever.

Where there is a Will there is a Way

Where there is a will there is a way

Will power is the greatest power. As the popular proverb goes, "where there is a will there is a way”, a strong will power can turn the impossible to possible. Doors are never shut for a determined mind. A strong determination to achieve the desired goal is the foundation stone for success. Will power gives the impetus to a solid beginning. A solid beginning is half the work done! As one moves on with strong determination, nature creates the ways for him or her. A determined person never finds himself in a situation where all the roads are closed. There are ample examples around us where people with difficulties and disabilities have achieved success which were seemingly impossible. Arunima Sinha who lost both her legs in a train mishap, has scaled Mount Everest to become the world's first female amputee to achieve the feat. For an average Indian village girl, losing the legs means end of everything. The parents and relatives start pitying about the future of such girl. Arunima Sinha, with her stron determination has proved to the world that where there is a will there is, indeed,  a way!

With Mirth and Laughter let Old Wrinkles Come

Q. Write a paragraph, not exceeding 200 words on any one of the following topics: 
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come [2023 - BA LLB 4th semester]

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come

"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come" is quoted from "The Merchant of Venice", one of the greatest works of William Shakespeare. The quoted line talks about accepting the ageing process gracefully. Aging is a process that cannot be overcome or bypassed. Whether man or woman, rich or poor, happy or sad, human or animal, the process of getting old spares none. Forget about the living entities, even the non-living things like the rocks and stones have a life. This is an inevitable process. An infant grows up to become a boy, further grows up to become a man and then with age he becomes an old man with grayed hair and wrinkles on the face. No one could save themselves from eternal process. The quoted statement suggests to accept this process with amusement and laughter. There is no point in worrying about something that cannot be avoided. The worries will accelerate the process further instead of any solution. An wise person will never worry about these natural processes and will concentrate on garnering maximum pleasure out of the precious human life. 

An Idle Brain is the Devil’s Workshop

 Q. Write a paragraph not exceeding 200 words on the given topic:

An Idle Brain is the Devil's Workshop [2022. 2023 - BA LLB 4th semester]

An Idle Brain is the Devil’s Workshop

The popular proverb "An idle brain is the devil’s workshop" is often used to remind us not to sit idle. The human brain can not remain idle even for a fraction of a second.It is so stubborn and flickering that it is very difficult to control the movement of the brain even when it is engaged in some activity. If it is left idle, it biomes like an unbridled horse, which is next to impossible to control. General tendency of the human mind is to move downwards. It is easy to fall for the catchy things which have negative impacts. For example, it is very easy for a college student to start consuming alcohol and be addicted within no time. It takes lots of courage and character to remain an ideal student. It can be observed that the people who have no purpose in life have all the addictions and bad habits. If the psychology of the criminals are studied, it would be found that they were swayed away by their uncontrolled mind. The Gita says that an uncontrolled mind is most dangerous enemy and a controlled mind is the best friend. So it is important to keep the mind engaged in productive activities so that it remains within control.

Gilded Tombs do Worms Enfold

Q. Write a paragraph not exceeding 200 words on the given topic:
All that glitter is not gold [2022. 2024 - BA LLB 4th semester]

Gilded Tombs do Worms Enfold

The popular adage "Gilded tombs do worms enfold", was coined by William Shakespeare in his play "The Merchant of Venice". The phrase means all that glitters is not gold. Everything may not be as it appears to be. Gold is a shining, glittering metal. A tomb covered with gold plates would look wonderful outside. But being a tomb, there is a fare chance of worms being present there. The outward looks are often deceptive. There are ample examples where people get carried away by the outward look of an object. We have experience of purchasing a very good looking expensive garment which gets faded after the first wash!  There is no dearth of people having an experience of buying vegetables that looked garden fresh, and were actually rotten inside. The phrase is equally applicable to human beings as well. A person who looks very gentle at the first meeting may come out to be an arrogant brute and a person who looks like a villain, is actually a gentleman par excellence. It is important not to make judgment based on the outward looks of a person or thing.

The Devil can Cite Scriptures for his Purpose

Q. Write a paragraph not exceeding 200 words on the given topic:

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose [2024 - BA LLB 4th semester]

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose

The line quoted from the play 'Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare is equally pertinent in today's world. The use of the scriptures for personal motivated purposes is rampant nowadays. People of all walks of life, be it service, business, politics, philosophy or religion, use the scriptural quotations as per their own whims and fancy to meet their personal end goals. The meaning of the verses from the scriptures are twisted and turned to fit their own requirements. The businessmen use it to justify their manipulations and adulterations, the lawyers use it to win a case by hook or crook. The philosophers use the scriptural questions to prove their points, however unjust that may be. The most horrifying amongst these is, the pseudo-religious pretenders, dressed like monks, use the scriptural injunctions to justify their position as a godman. Such rampant use of scriptures by the devils of current generations is causing a degradation of the morale standard of the society. General populace having good faith on the religion and religious scriptures get easily swayed by these pretenders which may cause havoc on their individual lives and the society as whole.

All that Glitters is not Gold

Q. Write a paragraph not exceeding 200 words on the given topic:
All that glitter is not gold [2022. 2024 - BA LLB 4th semester]

All that glitter is not gold

The popular adage "All that glitter is not gold", was first used by William Shakespeare in his play "The Merchant of Venice". This means that everything may not be as it appears to be. Gold is a shining, glittering metal. One can identify gold by the very first look. But this does not mean anything and everything that is shining like gold is actually gold. The outward looks are often deceptive. There are ample examples where people get carried away by the outward look of an object. We have experience of purchasing a very good looking expensive garment which gets faded after the first wash!  There is no dearth of people having an experience of buying vegetables that looked garden fresh, and were actually rotten inside. The phrase is equally applicable to human beings as well. A person who looks very gentle at the first meeting may come out to be an arrogant brute and a person who looks like a villain, is actually a gentleman par excellence. It is important not to make judgment based on the outward looks of a person or thing.