Previous years solved LLB / BA-LLB question papers. Must have handbook for all the Law students of Chaudhary Charan Singh University
Principle of Collective Responsibility
Money Bill
Money Bill
Key features of money bills
Procedures followed for passing Money Bills
Examples of money bills
Court of Records
Constitutional Provisions
Features of a court of record
Procedure for maintaining the records
Purpose of a court of record
Special address by the President of India - Article 87
Election Procedure for the President of India
Election procedure for the President of India
Constitutional Provisions:
Article 54: Election of President
Article 55: Manner of election of President.
Article 56 :Term of office of President
Article 57: Eligibility for re-election.
Article 58: Qualifications for election as President
The Indian President is elected through an electoral college system, wherein the votes are cast by MPs of Rajya sabha and lok sabha and all MLAs of all state assemblies.
The elections are conducted by the Election Commission of India.
Qualifications for Election as the President of India
Qualifications for Election as President of India
Article 58(1) of the Constitution of India states the the person must
(a) be a citizen of India,
(b) have completed the age of thirty-five years, and
(c) be qualified for election as a member of the House of the People.
As per Article 58(2) the person should not hold any office of profit in the central or state government.