CCSU BA LLB - Constitutional Law of India II - 2024 - Old question paper

BA LLB 6th Semester Examination, May 2024
Constitutional Law of India - II

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. What is money bill?
2. What are the qualifications for election as President of India?
3. What are the grounds on which Financial Emergency may be imposed?
4. What qualification should a person have in order to be a judge of the Supreme Court of India?
5. What is a Court of Record?

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Discuss the doctrine of 'Pith and Substance'.
7. Explain the provision of the constitution which ensure the independence of Judiciary.
8. An analysis of the provisions of the constitution of India makes it clear that the Prime minister is the real executive head. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What do you mean by 'Parliamentary privileges'? With the help of decided cases, explain the parliamentary privileges available to the members of the parliament.
10. How are the legislative powers distributed between center and state? When can the parliament legislate on a matter in the stat list?
11. Give an account of the jurisdiction of power of Supreme Court.
12. Discuss the procedure for the amendment of the Constitution.
13. Discuss the doctrine of Harmonious construction with special reference to Constitutional Interpretation.

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