CCSU BA LLB - English 4 - 2019 - Old question paper

BA LLB 4th Semester Examination, May 2019
General English - IV

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Give antonym of any four of the following:
(a) Accept
Ans: Reject
(b) Consent
Ans: Dissent
(c) Beauty
Ans: Ugly
(d) Deep
Ans: Shallow
(e) Debtor
Ans: Creditor
(f) Like
Ans: Dislike

2. Give the meaning of any two sets of homonyms given below and use them in your own sentences:
(a) Access : Excess
(b) Alter : Altar
(c) Bale : Bail
(d) Cheque : Check

3. Give synonyms of any four of the following words:
 (a) Abandon
Ans: desert, leave
(b) Resentment
Ans: dissentment
(c) Acute
Ans: severe
(d) Commence
Ans: Begin, start
(e) Engage
Ans: capture, catch
(f) Coarse
Ans: Rough

4. Change the form of any four words as instructed against them in  brackets:
(a) Advice (Adjective)
Ans: Advisable
(b) Class (Verb)
Ans: Class, classes, classed
(c) Civil (noun)
Ans: Civilisation, civility 
(d) Know (Noun)
Ans: Knowing, knowledge
(e) Furniture (Verb)
Ans: Furnish
(f) Woman (Abstract noun)
Ans: womanhood

5. Give the meaning of any four words, given below:
(a) Judgement
Ans: Ability to make considered decision
(b) Praiseworthy
Ans: deserving admiration and approval
(c) Cease
Ans: to come to an end
(d) Friendship
Ans: the state of being friend
(e) Timid
Ans: lack of courage, easily frightened
(f) Arrogant
Ans: exaggerating ones own worth

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Explain the following lines with reference to context from the play prescribed in your course:
There is something else.
The bond doth give thee here no jot of blood:
The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh';
Take thee thy bond.
Take thee thy pound of flesh;
Bug, in the cutting it,
If thou dost shed one drop of Christian blood, The lands and goods are, By the laws of Venice. Confiscate unto the state of Venice.

7. Write a paragraph not exceeding 200 words on ay one of the following topics given below:
(a) Honesty is the best policy
(b) Speech is silver, silence is gold.
Ans: Click here for answer
(c) The child is the father of the man.
Ans: Click here for answer

8. Add prefix in the following words:
(a) Responsible
Ans: Irresponsible
(b) Courage
Ans: Discourage
(c) Recognise
Ans: Unrecognise
(d) Interesting
Ans: Uninteresting 
(e) Possible
Ans: Impossible

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Write an essay on William Shakespeare as a dramatist.
10. Discuss the character of the villain in the play Merchant of Venice.
11. This question has two parts. Each part is carrying 10 marks.
(A) Fill in a suitable word in the blanks as instructed
(a) I first met him ____ year ago. (article)
Ans: a
(b) One can not be too careful of ________ good name. (pronoun)
Ans: his
(c) All ______ must show their tickets. (Noun)
Ans: passengers 
(d) Sunday is the ____ day of the week. (Adjective)
Ans: Last
(e) One ____ one make two.
Ans: and

(B) Correct the following sentences:
(a) He is my cousin brother.
Ans: He is my cousin. 
(b) He has left Agra with bag and baggage.
Ans: He has left Agra bag and baggage.
(c) I live in Boarding.
Ans: I live in a boarding school.
(d) I left playing cricket.
Ans: I left playing cricket.
(e) He as well as I am wrong.
Ans: He as well as I are wrong.

12. Precis writing

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