CCSU BA LLB - English 4 - 2022 - Old question paper

BA LLB 4th Semester Examination, June 2022
General English - IV

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Give antonyms of any four of the following words:
(a) Import
Ans: Export
(b) Loser
Ans: Winner
(c) Negative
Ans: Positive
(d) High
Ans: Low
(e) Guest
Ans: Host
(f) Expensive
Ans: Cheap

2. Give the meaning of any two sets of homonyms, given and use them in your own sentences:
(a) Accept : Except
Ans: Accept - consent to receive or undertake (something offered).
"He was delighted to accept the beautiful gift."
Except - not including; other than.
"Except Sundays and holidays, everyday is a working day."

(b) Right : Write
Ans: Right - morally good, justified, or acceptable.
"We should be sure whether we are doing the right thing."
Write - mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.
"You should write the details correctly."

(c) Dear : Deer
Ans: Dear - regarded with deep affection.
"My mother is very dear to me."
Deer - a beautiful, hoofed herbivorous animal
"We went to the zoo to see deer."

(d) Pear : Pair
Ans: Pear - a fruit
"Pear is very good for health."
Pair - a set of two things
"I have two pairs of shoes."

3. Give synonyms of any four of the following words:
(a) Loyal
Ans: Faithful
(b) Amazing
Ans: Astonishing
(c) Tender
Ans: caring, kind
(d) Wealthy
Ans: Rich
(e) Yearly
Ans: Annual
(f) Chop
Ans: cut up, dice

4. Change the form of any four words as instructed against them in brackets:
(a) Courage (Adjective)
Ans: Courageous
(b) Complete (Noun)
Ans: Completion
(c) Achievement (Verb)
Ans: Achieve
(d) Angry (Adverb)
Ans: Angrily
(e) Bore (Adjective)
Ans: Boring
(f) Agreement (Verb)
Ans: Agree

5. Give the meaning of any four words given below:
(a) Vibrant
Ans: Full of energy and life
(b) Escort
Ans: accompany to give protection to a person or group of person
(c) Evolution
Ans: gradual development of something
(d) Outcast
Ans: a person rejected by the society
(e) Objective
Ans: something that is planned to achieve
(f) Comprehend
Ans: understand and mentally grasp something 

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Explain the lines with reference to context from the play

The quality of money is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest. It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
Its mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown.

7. Write a paragraph, not exceeding 200 words on any one of the following topics:
(a) Where there is a will, there is a way
(b) All that glitter is not gold.
(c) An idle brain is the devils workshop

8. Add prefix in the following words
(a) Justice
Ans: Injustice
(b) Understand
Ans: Misunderstand
(c) Code
Ans: Decode
(d) Balance
Ans: Imbalance
(e) Star
Ans: Superstar
(f) Possible
Ans: Impossible

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Why is William Shakespeare considered as the greatest dramatist of English Literature?
10. How would you evaluate the character of Shylock in the drama Merchant of Venice?
11. This question has two parts. Each part is carrying 10 marks.
(A) Fill in suitable word in the blanks as instructed
(a) All ______ should take their seats. (Noun)
Ans: the audience 
(b) I learnt English from ____. (Pronoun)
Ans: him
(c) ____ movie I saw last night was boring. (Article)
Ans: The
(d) She wore a _____ necklace. (Adjective)
Ans: beautiful
(e) Either my friend ____ my sister are coming. (conjunction)
Ans: or

(B) Correct the following sentences:
(a) She is clever than her friends.
Ans: She is cleverer than her friends.
(b) Do not advice me.
Ans: Do not advise me.
Note: Advice is noun and Advise is a verb
(c) The work will be complete by tomorrow.
Ans: The work will be completed by tomorrow.
(d) The committee has taken their decision.
Ans: The committee has taken its decision.
(e) Run fastly.
Ans: Run fast.

12. Precis writing

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