CCSU BA LLB - General English I - 2023 - Old Question Papers

BA LLB 1st Semester Examination, December 2023
General English - I

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Do as directed:
(a) Fill the correct article in the blanks: _________ honest man is  ____ noblest work of God.
Ans: an, the
(b) He is ______ Indian but she is ______ European.
Ans: an, a
(c) Honesty is _______ best policy.
Ans. the
(d) French is ________ easy language.
Ans: an

2. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions:
(a) The lion was killed ______ the hunter _______ a sward.
Ans: by, with
(b) He has been living in this house _____ 1985.
Ans: since
(c) Don't run __________ the classroom.
Ans: in
(d) I am fond ______ mangoes.
Ans: of

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective and adverb:
(a) He _____________ reds a book. (quick)
Ans: quickly
(b) The class is ________ loud today.
Ans: very
(c) That is a _________ work for him.
Ans: very small
(d) Mona is a ____ girl.
Ans: good

4. Change the narration:
(a) He said, "I am going out".
Ans: He said that he was going out.
(b) I said to Radha, "I will carry the box for you".
Ans: I told Radha that I would carry the box for her.
(c) My father said, "Human is a rational animal".
Ans: My father said that Human is a rational animal.
(d) She said to me, "I can solve the problem".
Ans: She told me that she could solve the problem.

5. Change active into passive voice:
(a) Who teaches you English:
Ans: By whom English is taught to you?
(b) Open the door.
Ans: Let the door be opened.
(c) She is helping me.
Ans: I am being helped by her.
(d) He helps the poor.
Ans: The poor are helped by him.

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner on the necessity of  public parks in a crowded city like Meerut.
7. Punctuate the following passage:
My heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky wrote william wordsworth the famous poet and most of us share his feelings when we are lucky enough to see a rainbow there is an old saying that a pot of gold is buried at the end of the rainbow but have you ever tried to reach a rainbow's end.

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky" wrote William Wordsworth, the famous poet and most of us share his feelings, when we are lucky enough to see a rainbow. There is an old saying that a pot of gold is buried at the end of the rainbow, but have you ever tried to reach a rainbow's end?

8.Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

Galileo was a strong young man with red hat and a cheerful face but a short tempered man. He often disagreed with his teachers. The professors at Pisa disliked him because he was determined to think for himself and testing by practical experiments all the theories taught to him. They were content to teach what the ancient philosophers had taught. But as a true scientist Galileo refused to accept idea without question.

(i) How did Galileo look?
Ans: Galileo was a strong young man with red hat and a cheerful face.
(ii) What was his weakness:
Ans: He was short tempered.
(iii) Because he was determined to think for himself and testing by practical experiments all the theories taught to him.
(iv) What showed that Galileo was a true scientist?
Ans: As a true scientist Galileo refused to accept idea without question.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Translate passage from English to Hindi
10. Translate passage from Hindi to English
11. Write a report in about 300 words on the Independence Day celebrations at your college.
12. Draft a resume for the post of sales executive in a pvt. company. Invent necessary details. 
13. Write an official letter from the Principal to the Registrar of the University for declaration of result.

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