CCSU BA LLB - Jurisprudence I - 2018 - Old question paper

BA LLB 5th Semester Examination, December 2018
Jurisprudence - I
(Legal Theory)

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Describe the principles of Social Solidarity.
2. Describe Conventional customs.
3. Describe the relationship between Rights and Duties.
4. Describe animus as an essential element of possession.
5. Describe Obiter dictum.

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Define legal right and also write its various kinds.
7. What is the principle of vicarious liability? Discuss.
8. Analyse the theory of Sovereignty as given by Austin.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Comment on the view of Austin that Jurisprudence is the philosophy of Positive Law.
10. "The movement of progressive societies has hitherto been the movement from status to contracts." Discuss and analyse this.
11. Discuss the theory of Social Engineering by Dean Rosco Pound.
12. Explain the importance of Judicial Precedent as a source of law. how far the doctrine of Stare Decisis is applicable in India?
13. Discuss Kelson's pure theory of law. What are the main points of criticism of the theory". Explain.

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