CCSU LLB - Criminology and Penology - 2022 - Old Question Papers

LLB 4th Semester Examination - 2022
Criminology and Penology

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Organised Crime
2. Children in need of Care and protection
3. Treatment of offenders
4. Prison labour
5. Open prison

Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Explain the contribution made by Italian school of criminology.
7. Explain the role of family in causation of crime.
8. Examine the recent judicial trends of awarding compensation to victims of crimes in India.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What is Criminology? Write importance of the study of Criminology.
10. Discuss the theories of punishment from retribution to reformation.
11. 'A person becomes criminal because of excess of definitions favourable to violation of law over definitions unfavourable to violation of law'. Critically analyse this theory of differential association.
12. Discuss constitutional validity of capital punishment. Give the main arguments for abolition and retention of capital punishment in India.
13. Distinguish between probation and parole. How the parole system helps in rehabilitation of criminals in a society.

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