CCSU LLB - Interpretation of Statutes - August 2019 - Old question paper


LLB 6th Semester Examination, August 2019

Interpretation of Statutes


Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Define the intrinsic and extrinsic aids.

2. Discuss the role of titles and schedules in interpretation of statutes.

3. Explain the Raddando Singula Singulis.

4. What do you mean by construction in Bonum Pertem?

5. What do you mean by statutory discretion?

Section B 

Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Explain the doctrine of delegation in case of vicarious responsibility.

7. Elucidate and illustrate the Golden Rule.

8. What is the beneficiary and restrictive construction?

Section C

Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What is meant by mischief rule? Explain with the help of recent Indian cases.

10. How far the courts are entitled to construction of statute by reference to earlier legislations. Support your answer with illustration.

11. No law makers can forsee all things that may happen, therefore it is fit that if there be any defect in law, it should be reformed by equity. Elucidate the statement.

12. Explain the scope of judicial review of delegated legislation, with special reference to the applicability of conclusive evidence clause.

13. Write short notes on

(i) Interpretation clause

(ii) Title

(iii) Schedule

(iv) Preamble

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