CCSU LLB - IPC (Law of Crime) - 2019 - Old Question Papers

  LLB 1st Semester Examination - 2019
IPC (Law of Crime)

Section A
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks 

1. Write a note on Solitary Confinement.
2. Write a short not on concept of Crime.
3. Four persons went armed with guns to the house of A to commit robbery. One accused robbed the house, One accused caused injury to 'A' and two other accused was standing outside the house to help the co-accused. Whether all the four accused are liable for the offence?
4. Write short not on Assault.
5. A, intending or knowing himself to be likely permanently to disfigure  Z's face, gives Z a blow which does not disfigure Z's face, hut which caused Z to suffer severe bodily pain for a span of 20 days. Which crime A has committed.  

Section B
Note: This section contains three questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks 
7. What is wrongful restraint? Distinguish it from wrongful confinement.
8. Write a note on Sedition.

Section C
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks 
10. Discuss criminal trespass. How does it differ from house breaking? Refer to cases.
11. Mistake of fact is good defence, mistake of law is not' Discuss. Illustrate your answer.
12. Explain the offence of Mischief. Substantiate your answer with illustrations.
13. Explain in brief the offences related to marriages

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