CCSU LLB - Land Laws (UP Revenue Code 2006) - 2022 - Old Question Paper

LLB 5th Semester Examination, December 2022

Land Laws (UP Revenue Code 2006)


Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. What is merger? What are its effects?

2. Define 'Evacuee Property'.

3. Write a note on Annual Register.

4. Define Khud Kast land

5. Describe Goan Fund and Consolidated Goan Fund.

Section B 

Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Describe the procedure for recovery of land revenue arrears.
7. Write a note on procedure of mutation.
8. Can a disabled make a lease of his holding?

Section C

Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Define Khatauni and describe the procedure for effecting changes in it.

10. Define and distinguish between Rehabilitation Grant and Compensation. Describe the grounds and procedure to get them.

11. Describe the provisions under the present Land Laws to protect the interests of the members of the SC and ST classes.

12. Define Bhumidhar with transferable rights. Describe their rights and restrictions over them.

13. Discuss the orders of succession of a male Bhumidhar.

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