CCSU LLB - Law of Evidence - 2022 - Old Question Paper

LLB 5th Semester Examination, December 2022

Law of Evidence


Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. What is fact?

2. Proved

3. Estoppel

4. Hearsay Evidence

5. Relevant fact

Section B 

Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Distinguish between direct and circumstantial evidence. Can a person be convicted on circumstantial evidence alone?

7. Distinguish between relevancy and admissibility of evidence.

8. Distinguish between judicial and extra judicial confession.

Section C

Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Who may testify? Is a judge or magistrate a competent witness? Illustrate your answer.

10. Distinguish between primary and secondary evidence. Discuss the circumstances under which secondary evidences are admissible.

11. What is fact in issue? When are facts, not otherwise relevant, relevant? Illustrate.

12. 'The court may presume that an accomplice is unworthy of credit unless he is corroborated in material particulars.' Explain.

13. What is admission? When it is relevant to be proved? Illustrate your answer.

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