CCSU LLB - Law of Human RIghts - 2018 - Old Question Paper

LLB 6th Semester Examination, May 2018
Law of Human Rights

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. What is MAGNA CARTA?

2. What do you understand by Human Rights to Equality?

3. Write briefly about 'Fair trial' as a human right.
Ans: Right to fair trial is a human right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This right ensures that all human are treated equally before law. No one should be punished without a trial before a court of law or tribunal. This also provides for speedy trial without inordinate delays.
- all human are equal before law
- all human should be given a chance of fair hearing in a court of law or tribunal
- trial should not be delayed

4. How does National Commission for Women constitute?
Ans: Section 3 of the National Commission for Women Act 1990 provides that the NCW shall be constituted of 
One Chairperson committed for the cause of women, to be nominated by the central government 
Five members to be nominated by the central government from amongst persons having knowledge of the field. Out of these five members one should be from SC and and one should be form ST community.

5. Name any four civil and political rights
Ans: Civil and political rights
- Right to life and personal liberty
- Right to privacy, home and correspondence
- Right to own property
- Right against inhuman torture and degrading treatment

Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. What are the nature and importance of Human Rights? Discuss

7. Write a short note on National Human Rights Commission.

8. Discuss the role of UNO in protecting the Human Rights.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Describe the international mechanism provided for enforcement of human rights.

10. "Public Interest Litigation have played a pivotal role in upholding Human Rights in India". Discuss with case laws.

11. Discuss the salient features of International Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural rights. Do these rights reflected in Indian Constitution? Explain.

12. Discuss the various rights enshrined in American Convention on Human Rights 1969.

13. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights addressed to the individual does contain inalienable rights of individual". Explain

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