CCSU LLB - Law of Human Rights - 2021 - Old question paper

LLB 6th Semester Examination, June 2021
Law of Human Rights

Section A
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

1. Write a note on Human Rights and Fundamental Rights
2. What are the Purposes of UNO?
3. Describe Civil and Politial Irhts as "Human Rights'.
4. How does Human Rights Commission Consistitute in India?
5. International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Section B
Note: Answer any one question. Each question carries 20 marks

6. Universal Declaration of Human Rights addressed to the individual does contain inalienable rights of individual' Explain.
7. Discuss the importance and objections of International convention on Civil and Political Rights. 1966.
8. Discuss the constitution, powers and functioning of Women's Comission in India.

Section C
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 30 marks

9. What are the rights guaranteed by international Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights? How far they are reflected in Indian Constitution?
10. Dicuss the provision of International Human Rights Instruments regarding the principle of equal rights of men and women.
11. Give a brief account of the human rights enshrined in American Convention of Human Rights, 1969 with special reference to the provision/Articles chat is not aughroised to be suspended.
12. Describe the inclusion of Human Rights Jurisprudence under the Constitution of India through judicial interpretation.
13. Write short not on any two of the following:
(i) Collective Rights
(ii) European Convention on Human Right
(iii) Nature and the development of Human Rights.

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