LLB 6th Semester Examination, June 2023
Law of Human Rights
Section A
Note: Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks
Law of Human Rights
Section A
Note: Answer all questions. Each question carries 4 marks
1. Distinguish between Fundamental Rights and Human Rights.
2. What rights are called collective rights?
3. How far right life is protected in various international instruments on human rights?
4. Write a brief note on the Economic and Social council.
5. Write a brief note on United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Section B
Note: Answer any two question. Each question carries 10 marks
Note: Answer any two question. Each question carries 10 marks
6. Write a brief note on Civil and Political Rights under the American Convention on Human Rights.
7. Discuss the role of National Human Rights Commission in the protection of Human Rights of the Citizens of India.
8. Write a brief not eon United Nations Charter and Human Rights.
Section C
Note: Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks
Note: Answer any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks
9. Critically examine the rights and freedom provided under the European Conventions on Human Rights.
10. Discuss the basic Human Rights guaranteed and protected under the Constitution of India.
11. Discuss the salient features of International Convention on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights.
12. Write a short note on any two:
(i) National Commission for Women
(ii) Human Rights Committee and its mechanism
(iii) Public Interest Litigation and Judicial activism.
13. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights contains the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations and also an authoritative interpretation of the Charter by the General Assembly. Discuss the importance and provisions of UDHR in above reference.
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