CCSU LLB - Law of Torts - 2021 - Old Question Papers

LLB 1st Semester Examination - 2021
Law of Torts

Section A
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks 

1. Pigeon hole theory
2. Difference between inevitable accident and act of God
3. Joint Tortfeasors
4. The Innuendo
5. Contract for service

Section B
Note: This section contains three questions. Attempt any one question. Each question carries 20 marks 
6. What is remoteness of damage? What are the tests measuring the remoteness of damage?
7. Write about contributory negligence and the last opportunity rule of negligence.

Section C
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 30 marks 
9. Define tort and explain the position of mental element in tort
10. What are the defences which are available against tortious liability? Refer the decided cases.
11. Discuss the liability of state for the torts committed by it's servents.  Answer with the help of leading case law.
12. What is tresspass to land and what are its essentials? Answer with the help  of decided cases.
13. Write about the district Consumer Court, State Commission and National Commission constituted under Consumer Act.

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