LLB 6th Semester Examination, August 2018
Legal Language and Legal Writing Including
Proficiency in General English
Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks
1. Convert the following into passive voice
(a) The King gave him a reward
Ans: He was rewarded by the King.
(b) Amit likes Rama.
Ans: Rama is liked by Amit.
(c) Shyam is teaching Rajesh.
Ans: Rajesh is being taught by Shyam.
(d) Help the poor.
Ans. Let the poor be helped.
2. Convert the following into indirect speech
(a) Savita said, "I am unwell".
Ans: Savita said that she was unwell.
(b) He said, "My master is writing a letter".
Ans: He said that his master was writing a letter.
(c) The teacher said, "The earth goes round the Sun".
Ans: The teacher said the earth goes round the Sun.
(d) He said to me, "I do not believe you".
Ans: He said to me that he did not believe me.
3. Correct the following sentences only in English:
(a) I have a fifty rupees note.
Ans: I have a fifty rupee note.
(b) Asha is a honest girl.
Ans: Asha is an honest girl.
(c) Jaipur is hot than Delhi.
Ans: Jaipur is hotter than Delhi.
(d) The two man hate one another.
Ans: The two man hate each other.
4. What do you understand by the following:
(a) Supra
Ans: Supra is a Latin word which means "above". The word is used in legal citation when a writer desires to refer a reader to an earlier-cited authority. For example, an author wanting to refer to a source in their third footnote would cite: See supra note 3.
(b) Ibid
Ans: Ibid. is an abbreviation for the Latin word ibīdem, meaning "in the same place", commonly used in an endnote, footnote, bibliography citation, or scholarly reference to refer to the source cited in the preceding note or list item.
(c) A.I.R
Ans: All India Reporter. All India Reporter (AIR) is India's oldest law publisher with comprehensive coverage of all the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India. The monthly journal covers judgments of the High courts and bench rulings as well as judgments of the Supreme Court of India.
(d) S.C.C
Ans: Supreme Court Case. Supreme Court Cases (SCC) is the most cited law report by the Supreme Court of India.
5. Write a note on the need and importance of Legal Language.
Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks
6. Write a letter to the editor of a news paper on the topic "Increasing threat of terrorism in India".
7. Frame sentences on any five of the following to bring out the meaning:
(i) Arbitrator
Ans: He served as an arbitrator in a series of cases.
(ii) Cruelty
Ans: Cruelty to animals is punishable under sections 428 and 429 of IPC.
(iii) De jure
Ans: He is the De Jure owner of the property.
(iv) Hearsay
Ans: In general hearsay evidences are not admissible in a court of law.
(v) Ex Parte
Ans: The judge passed the decree ex parte as the defendant absented himself in the court in spite of legal notice served.
(vi) Intention
Ans: Proving the criminal intention is also important in criminal proceedings.
(vii) Immovable
Ans: House property is an example of immovable property.
(viii) Obscene
Ans: The obscene part of the film should be censored.
8. Discuss Indian practice of citing documents in written work with illustration.
Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks
9. Write any one essay from the following:
(i) Environment Law
(ii) Public Interest Litigation
(iii) Role of law in empowerment of women
(iv) Globalisation
10. Explain the following maxims either in Hindi or in English
(i) Damnum Sine Injuria
(ii) Ignorantia legis neminem excusat
(iii) Res ipsa loquitur
(iv) Actus reus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea
Click here for meaning and explanations of the maxims
11. Discuss the use of standard marking in proofreading with illustration.
12. Comprehension
13. Discuss the importance of precedent as source of law. What is ratio decidendi? What is the method of writing case comment?
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