Contract - II (K-2004) - 2023 - CCSU LLB Old Question Papers

  LLB 2nd Semester Examination, June 2023

Contract - II

Section A

Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. C.I.F. Contract
2. Define Agent
3. A surety is a favoured debtor
4. Duties of bailor
5. Sale by sample

Section B 
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. What are the rights and duties of Bailor and Bailee?
7. What are the remedies available to unpaid seller for breach of contract?
8. Discuss the doctrine of ratification in law of agency.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. "Changes in the Constitution of the firm will not affect the registration once made" Comment stating the effects of non-registration of firms.
10. 10 Explain partnership and its essential elements.
12. What conditions and warranties are implied in a contract of sale of goods? Under what circumstances breach of condition is treated as a breach of warranty?
13. Discuss the doctrine of Holding out. What are the exceptions? Explain.

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