Family Law I (Hindu Law) - LLB 2nd Semester Examination - 2015

LLB 2nd Semester Examination - 2015
Family Law I (Hindu Law)

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Who is Defacto Gardian?
2. Who may take in adoption?    
3. Who is a Hindu minor?
4. What do you mean by Debutter property? 
5. What do you Mean by Maintenance pendentilite?

Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. What changes have been brought about by Hindu marriage act, 1955? Discuss.
7. Explain the Doctrine of Relation Back.
8. Distinguish between public and private endowment.

Define Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Explain the general provisions relating to succession as provided under the Hindu Succession Act 1956.
10. Discuss the grounds of divorce as provided to a Hindu spouse in the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.
11. What are the essentials of a valid custom? When does custom become Law? State the different type of customs
12. Define Gift and give its essentials. Can a gilt be made in favour of a unborn Child? Distinguish between Gift and Will.
13. What is religious endowment? How it is created? Can endowment be transferred?

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