CCSU LLB - Public International Law - 2015

LLB 3rd Semester Examination - 2015
Public International Law

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

5. A person commits and offence in state A and flew to state B. Examine the legal possibilities of extradition.

Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. How far international treaties bind Indian Courts? Discuss in details Indian system of implementation of treaties of mutual legal system.
7. Sunflower is a government ship of state X. The ship is transporting food and medicine for flood effected people of state Y. It is also transporting iron ore being exported to state Y. En-route while in the port of state Z, the ship was required to pay a fine for violating a local law of state Z. State X argue that since Sunflower is a government ship, is immune from laws of state Z. Discuss.
8. Explain coercive methods of settlement of International disputes.

Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks

9. What is nationality? How is it ascertained? What is the importance of nationality under international law? Discuss the modes of acquiring and losing nationality/
10. State A and state B are coastal states having their coasts facing each other. The distance between the coasts is 300 nautical miles. State A extends its exclusive economic zone to 200 nautical miles. Examine the legal position of such an extension.
11. Discuss different theories of recognition. Distinguish between 'defacto' and 'dejure' recognition.
12. Attempt any four briefly
   (i) Amicable methods of settlement of International disputes.
   (ii) Self-defense
   (iii) Martens Clauses
   (iv) Repatriation of Prisoners of War
   (v) Blockade
13. A team of US military troop was on ground in Iraq against the Jihadis. Has USA violated any rule of International Law? Give reasons.

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