CCSU BA LLB - Constitutional Law of India II - 2023 - Old question paper

BA LLB 6th Semester Examination, June 2023
Constitutional Law of India - II

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks

1. Write the doctrine of pleasure.
2. What is the Pardoning power of the President?
3. Do Judges make law?
4. What do you understand by the joint session of the Parliament?
5. What is the doctrine of colorable legislation?

Section B
Note: Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks

6. Write with illustrations "Doctrine of Territorial Nexus".
7. Discuss the procedure of passing of Money Bill.
8. What do you mean by Presidents Rule?

Section C
Note: Attempt any three question. Each question carries 20 marks

9. Discuss with examples the proclamation of Emergency under the Constitution of India.
10. Describe the composition and power of the Supreme Court of India.
11. Is Prime Minister the real head? Analyse with illustration.
12. Explain the organisation of Parliament of India. What is the Procedure regarding enactment of any legislation?
13. What do you mean by the delegated legislation? What factors are responsible for this?
14. Explain in detail the procedure of amendment of  the Constitution under Article 368 of the Indian Constitution.

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