CCSU LLB - Constitutional Law of India (K 1002) - 2018 - Old Question Papers

LLB 1st Semester Examination - 2018
Constitutional Law of India - I

Fully solved! Click on a question to get the answer.

Section A
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 4 marks
1. Doctrine of Basic structure.
2. Ex Post Facto Laws
3. Double jeopardy.
4. Fundamental Duties of Citizens.
5. Judicial Review.
Section B
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks
6. Supreme Court is a watchful sentinel of the fundamental rights'. Explain this statement.
7. On what grounds restrictions may be imposed on the citizen’s right to freedom of speech and expression?
8. What is the meaning of the word 'only' as used under Art 15(I) of the Constitution?
Section C
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks
9. "The Indian Constitution establishes a system of Government which is almost quasi federal, a unitary state with a subsidiary federal features rather than a federal state with subsidiary unitary features" KC Weheare. Elucidate.
10. Article 13 makes the judiciary and especially the Apex court as a guardian, protector and interpreter of the fundamental rights. Discuss.
11. "No person shall be deprived of his life except according to the procedure established by law". (Article 21) Discuss.
12. Explain the provisions of the "Right against Exploitation".
13. What do you mean by the Fundamental Right of Education? What is the Importance of the right to the person? To what age of children this right is granted and when? What is the contribution of judiciary in getting this right passed by the Parliament also?

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