LLB 1st Semester Examination - 2021
Contract I
(General Principles of Contract)
Section A
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks
1. Define 'Competent Parties'
2. Define 'Contingent Contract'
4. What is misrepresentation?
5. What do you mean by 'Agreements in restraint of marriages are void'?
Section B
Note: This section contains three questions. Attempt any one question. Each question carries 20 marks
6. "Mental acceptance is no acceptance" comment.
7. "A stranger to a contract can not sue" Discuss.
8. Explain "Wagering Agreements"
Section C
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 30 marks
9. Define Proposals. Also explain different rules relating to it with the help of case laws.
10. What agreements are regarded as void agreements in Indian Contracts Act? Discuss.
11. Discuss the provisions of Indian Contract Act relating to 'Quasi Contractual Obligations'
12. What is 'Consent' and what is 'Free Consent' under the provisions of Indian Contract Act 1872? Explain.
13. What is contingent contract? Explain its differences with wagering contracts.
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