Right to Equality before Law | Constitution of India

Q. Discuss with illustrations the right of equality before law. [20 marks - 2022]

Right to Equality

Equality before the law (Article 14)

Article 14 treats all people the same in the eyes of the law. This Article states and commands the State not to deny to any person ‘equality before the law’ and ‘equal protection of the laws’.

This provision states that all citizens will be treated equally before the law and avoids any kind of discrimination. 
The law of the country protects everybody equally.
Under the same circumstances, the law will treat people in the same manner.

Prohibition of discrimination (Article 15)

This article prohibits discrimination in any manner. This article secures the citizens from every sort of discrimination by the State, on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth or of them. 

No citizen shall, on grounds only of race, religion, caste, place of birth, sex or any of them, be subject to any liability, disability, restriction or condition with respect to:
Access to public places
Use of tanks, wells, ghats, etc. that are maintained by the State or that are meant for the general public
The article also mentions that special provisions can be made for women, children and the backward classes notwithstanding this article.

Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment (Article 16)

Article 16 provides equal employment opportunities in State service for all citizens.

No citizen shall be discriminated against in matters of public employment or appointment on the grounds of race, religion, caste, sex, place of birth, descent or residence.
Exceptions to this can be made for providing special provisions for the backward classes.

Abolition of untouchability (Article 17)

Article 17 prohibits the practice of untouchability.

Untouchability is abolished in all forms.
Any disability arising out of untouchability is made an offence.

Abolition of titles (Article 18)

Article 18 abolishes titles.

The State shall not confer any titles except those which are academic or military titles.
The article also prohibits citizens of India from accepting any titles from a foreign State.
The article abolishes the titles that were awarded by the British Empire such as Rai Bahadur, Khan Bahadur, etc.

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