Justice: Definition, Kinds of Justice

Q. What do you mean by justice and what are the kinds of justice? [20 marks - 2019]


Justice is a concept that represents something that is just and right, or being impartial, fair, and right. It is based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity, and fairness. It also takes into account the inalienable rights of all human beings and citizens.

Justice might be defined as a system in which people are entwined or bound together. Justice aims to bring disparate ideas together and organise all human relationships around it. As a result, justice entails binding, joining, or organising people into a just or fair relationship order.

Kinds of Justice

Social Justice

Social justice is defined as the equality in a society, with no discrimination on the grounds of religion, caste, creed, colour of skin, gender or status. Social justice entails allocating each person’s fair share of the social resources and opportunities. Some philosophers say that social justice is the equitable distribution of social benefits and rights based on the rule of law and justice.

Political Justice

Political justice refers to equivalent political rights and opportunities to participate in the governance of the affairs of the state. Equal opportunity to all citizens to represent people and vote are the examples of political justice.

Economic Justice

Economic justice means equal opportunity to all the citizens of a state to earn livelihood. Economic justice often goes hand in hand with social justice. Economic justice ensures that everyone get fair wages, enabling them to satisfy their basic necessities while also assisting them in their growth and advancement. 

Legal Justice

Legal justice means rule of law. It states that all men are equal before the law and that the law applies equally to all irrespective of religion, caste, creed, social status, financial capacity and political power. It ensures that everyone is protected by the law. Legal justice is ensured by the courts of law.

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