CCSU LLB - Jurisprudence II - 2019 - Old Question Paper

 LLB 2nd Semester Examination - 2019
Jurisprudence II (Legal Concept)

Section A
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks 

Section B
Note: This section contains three questions. Attempt any two question. Each question carries 10 marks 
7. Write a short not on superiority of legislation over precedent.

Section C
Note: This section contains five questions. Attempt the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks 
10. What is obiter dicta? Distinguish between obiter dicta and ratio decidendi.
11. What is codification? What are the merits and demerits of codification?
12. What are the primary and secondary functions of the state? 
13. What do you mean by justice and what are the kinds of justice?

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